Chapter News

August starts in Great Falls

Another great Monday to kick off the month of August at Meadow Lark CC in Great Falls! In a close team competition, host professional Dudley Beard and his crew lead the way with -14 (130). While we had four teams shortly behind at -12. Chad Eskro was our low Am this week from Great Falls … Read more

july concludes with Butte pro am

Beautiful day in Butte America! A perfect summer day helped all 20 teams to an enjoyable day! Jason Lehtola and his bunch from Whitetail GC lead all team scores is -19 (121) at this Par 70 track! Shortly behind were David Owens and Chad Carlsons teams respectively. Jim Mee and host Head Professional Josh Walsh … Read more

Western Montana Chapter Directory

Earlier this year, the Associate Mentoring Committee set out to create a chapter directory of its PGA members and associates with the intent of providing a resource for our associates as they continue working towards obtaining their PGA memberships. A short on-line survey was emailed to build individual bios of the respondents. Here’s what we … Read more

2020 Assistants champion crowned

Congrats to Harrison Taylor, Assistant Golf Professional at Buffalo Hill GC with rounds of 71-73 (144) to claim the title of Assistant Champion 2020! 2nd Place Ryan Malby (147)3rd Steve Stevens (150) To view complete event results visit the Golf Genius link below.