t is with much excitement that we announce a modified tournament and Pro Am schedule upcoming in May. With the Governors Phase 1 directive announced last week, our WMC Board of Directors presented a very detailed event operations schedule and proposal to the Section Board at the end of last week. Ultimately the plan was approved and we are ready to play some tournament golf in the coming weeks, with the hopes of being back to our normal schedule the first of June.
The main goal is to run a successful event that is not only efficient but safe for our Chapter Staff, you the professional and your families, and your membership and Pro Am teammates. With that being said, we are going to have a Regional Match Play Championship and ease into our Pro Am schedule with a 1 Pro 1 Am. This will help limit large group travel and make it easier to follow the Social Distancing guidelines that we have recently become accustom to.
Championship and Pro Am details and registration links are below. Sign up Today!
WMC Match Play Championship
Presented by:

Regional Locations:
Kalispell – Village Greens
Polson – Polson Bay
Missoula – Ranch Club
Helena – Green Meadow
Field is limited to the first 32 registered players. 8 player limit per region. Event seeds are based on 2019 Player of the Year points. Regional brackets to be selected and comprised by our tournament committee of President Chris Nowlen, Vice President David Owens, Tournament Chair Tim Bakker, and Tournament Director Casey Moen. With this regional format comes scheduling challenges. If you are able and willing to travel to a regional location outside of your back yard, please indicate this in your event registration. Each regional location will follow the schedule’s below:
Rounds 1 – 2 May 11th – 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Round 3 May 12th – 10:00 AM
Semi Finals – Championship Match Sunday May 17th @ TBD Centralized Location
Buffalo Hill 1 Pro 1 Am
May 18th
Tee Times 9:00 AM
Please join us for our first Pro Am of 2020. This 1 Professional 1 Am one Net Ball format is a perfect way to kickoff our Pro Am season. Tee times start at 9:00 AM. When booking your tee time on ForeTees you may book your two person team with another Professional and his team by clicking the corresponding tee time and entering you and your partners name is ‘Player 3 & 4″ for example.
Book your tee time today to secure your spot. Please remember, your team payment and registration is due in Golf Genius three days prior to the event. You can access the link below for Golf Genius team payment OR by finding the link under the event calendar and the WMC website.
Having trouble accessing ForeTees or need help signing up. Call Casey at 406-403-1647.