Chapter updates

Sign up Now for the Chapter Championship and Fall Meeting

2013 WMCPGA Chapter Championship Missoula Country Club (please note location change!) September 23-24, 2013 click here for details [contact-form-7 id=”911″ title=”Chapter Championship and Fall Meeting Signup”]

Double Arrow Pro Am and Newsletter

The correct results are posted from Monday. Sorry about the delay, I had to go back and look at some score that did not get generated in the reports. Also, check out the June/July Newsletter.

2013 WMCPGA Pro-Assistant Championship

It is that time of the year. Pro- Assistant Championship entries will be out today. Mark it on your calendar now for June 6, 2013 at Iron Horse Golf Club in Whitefish. Entries will close at 5:00 pm on May 30, 2013.  Looking forward to seeing everyone, we are going to have a great time. … Read more

May Newsletter

Hello Members,

Well, we finally have gotten some nice weather. As I drove around Flathead Lake on Sunday I thought to myself looking at the lake and the mountains, “Man what a great state we live in!” The 2013 WMCPGA season is off to a very interesting start to say the least. We have had snow, rain and cool temperatures. I would like to thank everyone for being so patient with me and getting scores to the website. I am hoping to have it down so that I can do everything at the golf course before I head home. You can find the results on this website, or on Facebook at Western Montana Chapter PGA.

Speaking of Facebook and social media, I would like to know who are using Facebook and/or Twitter for their course? You can just email me that information:

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