Casey Moen

Northern Pines Pro Am Closes August Schedule

The weather hasn’t been ideal at Northern Pines in 2018 on tournament days, but that hasn’t halted the field from going low.  We had 8 Professionals finish with rounds under par today, and many amateurs not far behind.  Ryan Malby finds 7 birdies in this 1 Gross 1 Net Format to finish with the low … Read more

Monday at Meadow Lark

We’ve been on quite the stretch of wonderful summer weather the last few weeks, however today felt a little more like fall.  A cool morning lead way to off and on showers throughout the day.  Soft conditions allowed for scoring opportunities especially from our Amateur field. We had 119 total players join us today which … Read more

Hometown Team Leaders of the Pack

Ideal day in the Hellgate Canyon just east of Missoula for today’s Pro Am. We had 35 teams participate in today’s event with $510 supporting the Boys and Girls Club of Missoula. This is the best part of our week being about to contribute a little something to our local charities! This week’s format was … Read more

Am’s Make a Charge In Singles Matches to Take 2018 Montana Cup

Another perfect day for golf lead way to great scoring conditions on Day 2 of the 2018 Montana Cup at Green Meadow CC in Helena.  After day 1 the Professional’s lead the way with a 3 point lead, but day 2 was a different story.   The amateur’s started off with quick 2.5 points in … Read more