
Polson Bay Golf Course

The Western Montana Chapter PGA would once again like to welcome Roger Wallace, The City of Polson and Polson Bay Golf Course as Golf Course Parnter for the 2014 season. Thanks to Roger, The City of Polson and Polson Bay Golf Course for their continued support of the WMCPGA.

Loudmouth Golf Closest to the Pin

Once again this year the WMCPGA along with Loudmouth Golf will have a Closest to the Hole contest at every Pro Am during the 2014 season. Winners of this contest will receive a $50.oo Gift Certificate to purchase items from Loudmouth Golf. Thanks to  Mike Wordan and Loudmouth Golf for their support of the WMCPGA.

Synthetic Turf International

The WMCPGA would like to welcome Jack Gaffney and Synthetic Turf International as a new Event Partner for 2014. Thank you Jack and STi  for your support of the WMCPGA. Please check out this new Partner at

Arizona Manufacturing and Embroidery

The Western Montana Chapter PGA would like to welcome back Arizona Manufacturing  and Embroidery (AM&E) as a a Partner for the 2014 season. Also would like to thank AM&E for moving up a Partnership level to Event Sponsor this year. Thank you Jack Gaffney, John Walker and the crew from AM&E.